As the competition brews up at the academic front, it’s not an easier task for the children to make decisions when deciding what stream to choose for their future academic development. Over the years a series of educational boards have gained popularity due to their inclusive and internationally acclaimed curriculum. IB (International Baccalaureate) is one such board which has gained a lot of popularity and acceptance in recent years.
Here is what International Baccalaureate has to contribute towards your daughter’s academic development-
To start with, it is an internationally recognized board with high academic standards and is based on a more practical and application based approach, giving equal weightage to academic value as well as skill development. IB board’s main focus is on the overall development of your daughter with the purpose of producing global citizens.
The interrelatedness between different subjects and themes aims at developing a deep understanding of the important concepts.
The IB curriculum equips students to be open-minded, socially responsible and self-aware, catering towards their holistic development and enables them to engage with people from around the world, thus making them culturally sensitive.
The board further provides an opportunity to engage in structured, purposeful inquiry thus helping students to construct their own learning and understanding.
The comprehensive structure of the board helps in relating classroom learning to real life situations and apply it to bring about an immediate change in their own life & environment
The examinations undertaken by the IB board largely aims at testing the knowledge of the child with the primary focus on ‘how to learn’ rather than ‘what to learn’.
Exposure to a plethora of subjects in your daughter’s senior years i.e. 11th and 12th, thus widening her knowledge and exposing her to more academic opportunities that will lead her to top colleges and universities In India and around the world .
Develop independent thinking, becoming more culturally aware by getting exposed to other world languages, cultures and practices yet remaining rooted to one’s own culture and values.
Development of positive attitude towards learning while engaging in responsible action and community service.
Acquiring and practising a range of essential disciplinary and trans disciplinary skills that caters towards the overall development of your daughter.
The IB organisation also encourages exchanges with schools from other parts of the world thus providing a global academic exposure to your daughter. With its high academic value, IB Diploma programmes are fast becoming the choice for Indian students preparing to pursue higher education abroad.
Mussoorie International School offers this exclusive International Baccalaureate Diploma Programme (IBDP) that is sure to add value to your daughter’s academic journey, helping her prepare for higher education and succeed in her academic endeavours.
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